Thursday, January 29, 2009

Which whole body vibration machine is the best? Before you buy a Powerplate, take a close look at the Noblerex K1.

Before you begin reading, listen to this alarming statement from Dr. Lenny Cocco. You'll be surprised what he has to say about PowerPlate Vibaration Machines.

Press Play!

Whole body vibration is sweeping the country and while it’s true that these vibration machines are changing the lives of people everywhere – some machines are superior to others.

While the Powerplate is a good machine it does not vibrate on a pivotal platform. Instead it uses tri-planar vibration which has been proven to not be as effective.

"Dr. Brent Feland at BYU again validated research that clearly shows that pivotal platforms versus tri-planar systems is a no contest. The pivotal platform is what brings results."
This type of vibration is also known to cause back and neck problems. This is a major flaw because these machines are supposed to help FIX these problems… not cause them.

However, the Noblerex K1 does vibrate on a tri-planar platform and people everywhere are getting amazing results with this machine. Take a look at these before and after pictures.

They use the Noblerex K1.

After testing many of these whole body vibration machines myself, it is my honest opinion that the Noblerex K1 is the best machine on the market. It has all of the most advanced features and it vibrates on the pivotal axis which has been medically proven to be the most effective. Plus -- every person I personally know who owns a Noblerex absolutely loves it. I can't say that about any other vibration machine.

If you'd like to learn more about the Noblerex K1 or talk to a Noblerex and whole body vibration expert visit:

You can also call toll free,

Good luck with your decision on buying a whole body vibration machine. I hope you've found my blog to be helpful and informative.